Odor Management Strategies Help Healthcare Providers Preserve Patient Dignity

By October 18, 2011November 30th, 2018Healthcare

The core mission of any healthcare facility is to provide top-quality care while allowing patients to have a sense of dignity and normalcy. While many treatments involve dealing with infectious wounds, as well as bodily fluids such as human waste, it is difficult to create an environment that allows patients to feel fully comfortable and dignified.

It goes without saying that healthcare facilities – whether it is a hospital, a nursing home or a hospice – that the standards of cleanliness and sanitation are essential. Though one of this biggest challenges that healthcare providers face in this regard is the ability to effectively deal with odors.

As odors from bodily fluids and infectious wounds are often very severe and difficult to manage, most traditional odor management solutions only mask the odors. The combination of cleaning chemicals and human-generated odors can actually cause patients to feel less dignified, and can serve as a reminder of their illnesses.

Thankfully, Fresh Wave IAQ empowers healthcare facilities to completely eliminate any human-originated odors safely and effectively, putting the focus on providing quality care with dignity and respect. In addition, the Fresh Wave IAQ solution is natural and does not leave behind residual chemical odors – no matter the source of odor, it is effectively remediated.

In addition, as Fresh Wave IAQ is a natural solution it is completely safe to use in a healthcare environment – removing any risks and liabilities that come from using standard, chemical-based air cleaners. As one treatment is often all that is needed to mitigate the odor, Fresh Wave IAQ can also be used quickly and seamlessly, allowing healthcare providers to maximize the utilization of the beds and patient rooms.
Stay tuned for more blog posts highlighting specific example of how Fresh Wave IAQ effectively eliminated odor in some of the most challenging healthcare situations.