Smelly Restrooms: Eliminate the Odors … Don’t Mask Them

By January 31, 2013November 30th, 2018Janitorial & Sanitation

Restroom odors can cause major headaches for facility and janitorial managers, not to mention the patrons who have need for these facilities. Even with daily cleaning, most public restrooms have very poor airflow, and distinct odors can remain. And no matter how clean a restroom is, if there is an odor, it will be perceived as being dirty.

In fact, according to a recent Harris Interactive poll, as many as 94 percent of facility patrons are unwilling to return to an establishment if the restrooms are unsanitary. In other words, the odor of a restroom can impact the bottom line of a facility.

Patrons want to be greeted by a clean-smelling restroom. Because of this, the most popular way to “deodorize” a restroom is to spray fragrance into the air. However, this will only mask odor, not eliminate it, and can even cause allergic or asthmatic reactions in some people with sensitivities to the chemicals in traditional air fresheners.

Successfully combating restroom odor requires Fresh Wave IAQ products, to attack and eliminate odors – not cover them up – for effective odor control and prevention. The products are natural, non-toxic and eco-friendly, and will help patrons breath a little easier without harsh chemicals and masking fragrances.

While a restroom may be clean, any lingering odors will tell patrons otherwise.  And, when it comes to odor management, perception is reality.