Casinos Offer a Volatile Cocktail of Foul Odors

By February 14, 2013November 30th, 2018Hospitality

Casinos are cavernous structures that are designed in a way that stops the gambler’s perception of time: no windows, definitely no clocks, and often pretty poor ventilation.

As a result, gamblers are confined to a closed space that offers a mixture of odors from tobacco smokers, food consumers, and nervously-sweating customers playing through the night.  The mere fact that so many Las Vegas casinos continue to allow people to smoke indoors is astounding enough.

The most aggressive cleaning strategies cannot counter this volatile cocktail of foul odors.  And, casino managers looking to keep their clientele pulling levers for as long as possible can’t risk having players walk out early because of foul odors.

To help combat these odors, metal devices the size of breadboxes are attached to the ventilation systems of nearly all casinos in Las Vegas. The boxes dispense highly scented – and astonishingly expensive – fragrances into the ducting for the airflow to distribute.  But adding “scents” to pungent, smoke-filled air does nothing to treat indoor air quality; it merely layers a new strong smell into the mix.

Smell is tricky. Sometimes a scent can be too overpowering. Or worse, artificial fragrances may contain chemical compounds that can aggravate allergies, induce headaches, and even exacerbate asthma.

Casinos should consider using products that are 100 percent natural.  Fortunately,  these kinds of solutions actually eliminate – not mask – nasty smells, and create a clean, fresh atmosphere that will put gamblers in the right mood to hang around and play a little longer.